
AD’METHA project – Supplying agricultural methanizers by experimenting with innovative cropping systems

Catégorie :
Bioressources, Agriculture

Implementation date:
September 2020 to May 2023



  • The Chamber of Agriculture of Oise
  • The Chamber of Agriculture of Aisne
  • The Association AgroTransfert Ressources & Territoires
  • UniLaSalle Beauvais Polytechnic Institute

The AD’METHA project aims to provide farmers in the Hauts-de-France region with answers by measuring the long-term agronomic, environmental and economic impact of regional cropping systems in which intermediate and perennial crops dedicated to the production of biomass for biogas plants and capable of providing other services (nitrogen supply, weed reduction, carbon storage) will be introduced.

This project was born out of an observation: in Hauts-de-France, the development of agricultural methanization is leading more and more farmers to question their production methods, given the need to maintain a continuous supply of the inputs required to run the methanization units. The question of securing the supply of these renewable energy production units arises in the light of the triple performance criteria (economic, social and environmental) to which the deposits must aspire. Guaranteeing the sustainability of these deposits, and therefore of agricultural methanization units, means looking at the integration of energy crops into Cropping Systems (CS), i.e. systems whose primary vocation remains food.


The aim of the AD’METHA project is to acquire new knowledge and compare it with the opinions of methanizing farmers, to make it as close as possible to reality. They will provide support to farmers in the Hauts-de-France region on issues relating to agricultural methanization, in particular by identifying the conditions for successful implementation of energy crops in the SoCs present in the region.

AD’METHA is based on the observation and measurement (monitoring indicators) of “systems” trials carried out at two sites (Aisne, Oise) with complementary systems. Each of these systems will be based on trials carried out as part of the IAR Network of Demonstrator Sites project, where a ≪ systems ≫ approach specific to the production of biomass for methanization has been carried out and has led to initial responses on the agronomic, environmental and economic impacts of introducing these crops into SoCs.

Project perspectives

AD’METHA is structured around five interacting work packages (WP):


The experimental scheme run by the Aisne Chamber of Agriculture (Landifay) has evolved towards a cropping system that maximizes CIVE production. The experimental system at UniLaSalle (Oise, France) incorporates into its SoC specific to the methanization sector a multi-annual crop over two crop years, based on the same model as a temporary meadow.

The project’s two experimental and demonstrator systems are combined with two networks of farmers (Aisne-Oise) feeding or planning to feed a methanizer, in order to be as close as possible to the dynamics expected by the farmers, to share with them the reasoning behind the “systems” trials, and to benefit from their observations in terms of introducing energy crops into their systems.

The framework for the SoC assessments has been established and the measures launched.